Welcome to my world of art!
I'm Julie, intuitive painter and mixed media artist. I live in Leuven with my husband Kenny, our two boys Jeremy & Julian, and our sweet dog Lola.
Being a nurse, an esthetician and a massage therapist, I'm selfemployed for 20 years in the natural health and beautybuissiness. Yet, amidst these roles, I continued to explore, seeking my true calling and what truly brings me joy.
My dad was an art collector, he adored artists and their art. He was a very special, wise and deeply loved man by a lot of people AND my greatest idol! After his sudden death (2018) I started drawing owls to keep him close…that's where my journey began. Out of my deepest pain my greatest happiness and joy was born…The biggest loss and grief in my life revealed my treasure…
I became "obsessed" with painting!
Following my nursing studies, I pursued massage therapy in NYC, where I lived for 3 years igniting my interest in personal growth, natural health, and spirituality. Yoga, meditation, wholesome nutrition, natural products, self-development and Eastern medicine became integral to my path. That's also where my inspiration comes from together with my sensitivity, intuition, dreams, quantum physics, the mystery of life…
Heart Coherence is one of the techniques I use when painting and in life. My ultimate dream is to stimulate this synchronicity between the Heart and the Brain with my work.
Though self-taught, I've honed my skills through online courses led by exceptional mentors such as Faith Evan Sills, Mati Rose McDonough, Flora Bowley, Susanne Nethercote, and Ange Miller. Their guidance has been invaluable, and I dream of meeting them in person one day.
My goal is to spread love, fun, good vibes, passion and energy. Hopefully the power of color will have an as healing effect on you as it has on me. And another thing I hope to radiate…is that everybody can create something beautiful, everybody is creative, we are here to create.
For me, painting is a metaphor for life itself. It requires making choices, taking risks, trusting intuition, overcoming perfectionism, being patient, calming the mind and having the courage to fully express emotions. It is a journey of letting go and surrender. And that journey, I fully enjoy. I could go on and on about my passion in colors and scents, but images often speak louder than words. So sit back, relax and surf around my website to discover my colorful and mysterious world.
My gratitude is endless for the unfolding of this creative process and for all that I have already been privileged to experience in this life❤️
Thank you for joining me on this colorful adventure!
Julie Berben💕